Autumn Fruit Salad with Honeyed Ricotta

For the first time in what feels like years, we’re having a real fall. Although, if we’re being honest, I probably say that every year.

I really mean it this time! {insert eye roll}

It’s sunny, crisp and all around pleasant. In fact, it’s so beautiful outside, that I was motivated to take a 4 mile walk this morning, and I am not a get-up-and go kind of gal in the morning. I’m more of the “shhhh…let me have my coffee, and then you can talk” kind of gal. If I had been that girl this morning, I would have missed this

Which lead me to this

And eventually this

Can you believe that Boston is a mere 4 miles away, and yet this is in our backyard? I’m so spoiled.

I may have the best of both worlds, but it was the fresh air this morning that convinced me to keep the healthy mojo going. After my walk, I wanted something healthy and equally fresh, which lead me to make fruit salad. In keeping with the weather, I wanted the dish to be bright, yet seasonal and have a stick-to-your-ribs quality that many fruit salads lack. What usually makes us feel full? Protein, fiber and fat! There’s fiber in the fruit, but where to get the protein and fat? Cheese of course!

Autumn Fruit Salad with Honeyed Ricotta

The Salad (5 servings- approx. 206 calories each)

  • 1/2 small watermelon
  • 1 large apple
  • 1 large nectarine
  • 1 cup seedless red grapes
  • 1 pint blueberries
  • 2 Tbsp orange juice
  • 8 mint leaves- shredded
  • drizzle of honey

The Ricotta (8 servings, approx. 50 calories each)

  • 1 cup part skim ricotta
  • 2 tsp orange juice
  • 1 tsp honey

Wash your fruit, and scoop out the watermelon. Dice apples and nectarine into 1/2 inch to 1 inch pieces, slice grapes in half, and add blueberries whole.  Mix fruit together with the orange juice, shredded mint, and honey, set aside to let flavors blend.

While you’re letting your salad rest, start mixing your ricotta. Place one cup in a mixing bowl and add your orange juice and honey. Mix well, and use as a topping! By the way, it’s pretty darn good on its own.

**helpful hint** to keep your apples from turning brown, immediately after chopping, place them in a bath of cold water and lemon juice (1 cup water to 1 tbsp lemon juice).

3 thoughts on “Autumn Fruit Salad with Honeyed Ricotta

  1. Pingback: Kale Salad with Apple Cider Vinaigrette | A Cook's Nook

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